Atari 2600 Unocart

This project is based on Robin Hedwards' great "multicart" solution for the Atari 2600.
Al details about this open source solution here: https://github.com/robinhedwards/UnoCart-2600/
This version is one of the most compact size available. It works out of the box. All you have to do it load some Atari 2600 ROMs into a microSD card and insert it into your Atari 2600.
A menu will list all the ROMs available. Go up or down with your joystick and press fire to select the game you want to play.
1 - Setup
1 - Copy the Atari 2600 game ROMs file into a microSD card (FAT32 formatted) using a PC.
Insert the microSD card into the card reader.
2 - Select the video mode (PAL, PAL60 or NTSC) best suited for you TV using the jumper. This is only impacting the menu. Try all 3 mode to see which one work best with your TV.
3 - Insert the Unocart into your Atari 2600. Make sure the words "THIS SIDE TOWARDS USER" is facing you. The microSD card is also facing you like so:
4 - Turn on your Atari 2600. Wait few seconds. The Unocart is ready the microSD card. Then you should see the menu:
5 - Use the joystick to select the game and fire load it.
6 - The game should start. If not, just press reset on your Atari 2600
7 - To load another game, switch your Atari 2600 off then back on
​2 - Alternative Firmware
As stated above, this UnoCart is based on R. Edwards project. The latest firmware release for this project is R18 from Sept 12 2023.
More about this release here: https://github.com/DirtyHairy/UnoCart-2600/releases
There is an alternative firmware called "UCA" you can install on this hardware.
More details here: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/297486-unocart-firmware-updates/page/8/
​The menu and navigation is a bit different.
Can can upload this firmware very easily via the microSD card. You can also revert back to R. Edwards version if you wish.
Here are the latest firmwares as of Jan 2024: Firmwares.zip
​or go visit their respective sites to get the latest and more details.
3D Printed Case
If you have a 3D printer, you can download the ZIP file containing the STL files to print a case.
Q: Where can I find games?
A: You can find games on the internet. Google is your is friends. Here are few resources:
Atari Mania: https://www.atarimania.com/pgemainsoft.awp?type=G&system=2
Planete Emulation: https://www.planetemu.net/roms/atari-2600
AtariProtos: http://www.atariprotos.com/2600/software/2600software.htm
Q: How can I upgrade the firmware? Is there a detailed documentation?
A: Yes, you can update the firmware. The open source project is available on GitHub.
Documentation: UnoCart-2600-Manual.pdf
GitHub: https://github.com/robinhedwards/UnoCart-2600/
​R. Edward/Dirty Hairy Firmware: https://github.com/DirtyHairy/UnoCart-2600/releases
UCA Firmware: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/297486-unocart-firmware-updates/page/8/